Our Risk Technology works. Does yours?
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Arthur C. Clarke
Omega Analysis' business is the robust engineering development of solutions to practical problems backed by decades of experience in cutting edge mathematical sciences research.
Omega Metrics® technology is based on Omega Analysis' fundamental research advances in mathematics and statistics. Our technology helps minimise uncertainty in critical decision using your data to make accurate predictions for tactical and strategic decisions and the discovery of new horizons.
In Finance our risk management solutions provide unprecedented accuracy in forecasting risk–and therefore unprecedented opportunities for controlling it.
During the Covid-19 epidemic we developed a new model for predicting outbreak waves and providing accurate forecasts of the healthcare needs they generate.
Omega Analysis' statistical technology is a truly revolutionary advance, not an incremental one. Based on new discoveries in fundamental mathematics and statistics, it provides unprecedented tools for data analysis.
About us
William F. Shadwick is Managing Director of Omega Analysis Limited.
During his previous career in mathematics he was responsible for establishing the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences and worked in many prestigious institutions, including the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, IMPA, Brazil and the NASA Ames Research Center.
Ana Cascon, co-founder of Omega Analysis, was a tenured professor of mathematics at the Federal University Fluminense Brazil before moving from academic to industrial research.
Together they have pioneered a fundamentally new approach to the study of probability and statistics. Their revolutionary new tools, coupled with their no-nonsense approach, have yielded extraordinary results.
Since April 2020, these tools have been applied to the response to Covid-19. Thanks to this work it’s now possible to make accurate estimates of hospital admissions even at the very beginning of an outbreak. It removes the rationale for panic that led to lockdowns all over the world—it would have correctly predicted demand for hospital beds everywhere from Wuhan onwards.
In what may have been the first time since the pioneering work of Kermack and McKendrick almost 100 years ago, they evaluated epidemic data without preconceptions and created a mathematical model that accurately describes viral dynamics. It correctly predicts critical stages in any viral epidemic such as the peak of infections and the onset of herd immunity. This model is an unprecedented tool for evaluating the effectiveness of interventions.
In 2018, Cascon and Shadwick were the winners in the Best Use of Technology category in Investment Week’s Investment Research Awards for “building additional insights through the use of proprietary technology”. In 2017, Omega Analysis was shortlisted in two categories, Best Research Report and Best Research Service in the Investment Week Research Awards. In October 2016, Omega Analysis came second, Highly Commended for ‘Best Economic Research’ in Investment Week’s inaugural Research Awards.
Their published research on risk and performance measurement won both the 2010 Edward D. Baker III Journal Award and the 2007 Journalism Award of the Investment Management Consultant’s Association.
In 2010, Shadwick was the University of Hawaii Mathematics Department’s Distinguished Lecturer.