Sample Research Archive 2015 ii
What Just Happened? Gloomy Christmas in Canadian Markets. -15 December 2015.
The S&P/TSX Composite Index downturn is not over. The Bank and Real Estate sectors still have major corrections outstanding. Oil and Natural Gas have both entered panic selling modes. Risk is rising rapidly across asset classes.
What Just Happened? Global Risk Explosion. -15 December 2015.
The turning point from boom to bust in global equity markets arrived in July. Since then, risk levels have exploded in equities, commodities, sovereign debt and foreign exchange rates. Anti-bubbles of panic selling are emerging.
What Just Happened? Plummeting Copper Price. - 1 December 2015.
The price of copper has fallen more than 50% since its peak in 2011, dropping 12% in November. The worst is still to come: copper prices have been in an ‘anti-bubble'-an Unstable Contraction mode-since June of this year and risk levels for both long and short positions are rising dramatically.
The Risk Cycle. The Coming Correction in Canadian Bank Stocks. -15 September 2015.
The Bull Market in Canadian Banks is over. Omega Metrics® Risk Cycle Analysis correctly predicted the timing of the correction in 2007. The current correction outstanding is at least 24%.