Media and Presentations.
Modelo Matemático teria previsto quedas da bolsa antes da Covid-19 IMPA new 17 Abril 2020
Mathematical Model would have predicted markets fall before Covid-19 IMPA new 17 Abril 2020.
A incerteza trazida pelo novo coronavírus afetou radicalmente os mercados globais. No mês de março...o Ibovespa caiu 30%, a maior queda mensal dos últimos 22 anos. Ainda que os efeitos da pandemia tenham impacto direto na retração econômica, os pesquisadores visitantes do IMPA Ana Cascon, do Brasil, e William Shadwick, do Canadá, afirmaram que grandes quedas já eram previstas em dezembro do ano passado.
Omega Analysis FGV, Fundação Getúlio Vargas, seminar- July 2019 Seminar
Omega Analysis Discuss Asset Price Bubbles Indicators Presented in the Financial Mathematics Seminar IMPA- Brazil, 2019
Omega Analysis Wins in Best Use of Technology In Investment Week's Investment Research Awards 2018.
'The Investment Research Awards are designed to highlight research services that demonstrate knowledge, innovation, engagement, clarity and transparency' and the Best Use of technology for 'building additional insights through the use of proprietary technology'.
Omega Analysis Finalist in Best Research:US Equities In Equity Wire 2018.
"Equitywire is proud to announce the first shortlisted finalists for its 2018 awards, celebrating the best in fundamental equity research."
Omega Analysis named a finalist in Investment Week's Research Awards 2017 in the categories 'Best Research Services' and 'Best Research Report'.
Omega Analysis Mathematical Background Presented in the Financial Mathematics Seminar IMPA- Brazil, 2018.
Omega Analysis Risk Technology Presented at Systemic Risk Centre seminar (LSE), June 2017.
Omega Analysis Highly Commended In Investment Week's Research Awards 2016.
“Investment research is an integral part of the asset management industry. Having up-to-date, reliable, good quality company and economic research that is both relevant and thorough can help expand and deepen the pool of investment opportunities” Investment Week 06 October 2016.
Financial Times Letter on 21 February 2016.
Fields Institute Lecture, October 2015.